Monday, December 8, 2008

Setting Goals For Yourself

Have you ever wanted to set a goal and achieve it, but weren't sure where to start? Many people run into this problem, and end up not even going after a single goal. The secret to setting great goals is in using a simple system that finds what you want, what you need, and what will make the biggest difference for your life.

When thinking about what you want to accomplish, you may find that you want to achieve more things right away than you really have time for. You can overcome this problem by writing down your goals and using the process of elimination to reduce them to fewer goals. If you try to accomplish too much in a short period of time, you could find yourself failing at all or most of those goals and feeling like a failure. By narrowing your goals down to the ones that you really want to achieve, you'll have a higher success rate and be much happier.

First, write down all of your goals into a piece of paper. Allow yourself to write down as many goals as you can think of, and don't worry at all about writing down too many. You need to be sure you consider every goal you could possibly want right now, to be sure you really want to go after the ones you finally choose. If you weren't thorough with this process, you might discover a new and better goal right when it's getting tough to accomplish the one you chose to focus on.

After you've written down all of your goals, number them 1-5, with #1 being your top goal. This will help get rid of all the clutter. We all want to drive a Ferrari, but there's little point in making it a goal to own one if another goal is to make at least $45,000 each year and pay off $35,000 in student loans. In that case you'd want to increase your income and get those paid off before blowing money on a sports car.

Finally, remove those numbers, but now focus only on those five goals. Thinking about it carefully, number the goals according to which ones will make the biggest difference in your life. You want to find which of these favorite goals will make the largest and most positive difference in your life, and that is your top goal. You can still focus on the other 4, of course, but this one goal has to have a higher priority than all of the others. Don't worry though - once you achieve it, you can move one of the others up to the top.

As you can see, goal setting is the beginning stage of a long road of accomplishment. Set your goals carefully, swiftly, and decidedly for top success.

Article Source:

Friday, December 5, 2008

Get What You Want In 30 Minutes

San Francisco, CA – “People who don’t set goals wind up asking, ‘How come I never got what I wanted out of life?’” Those are the words of Theodore Carl Soderberg, author of the new book “Uncharted Waters.” Soderberg isn’t just a successful author. He has two honorable discharges from the United States Navy, has been on the silver screen in Basic Instinct and the Rock, has made a small fortune selling exotic cars, and has toured the world with the merchant marines.

How has he achieved every dream he has ever wanted? “Setting goals. That really has been the secret of everything.”

Here are six tips to earn a successful life - one half hour at a time:

1. Identify What You Want – And When You Want It

“Figuring out your dream can be the hardest part,” says Soderberg. “So if you can’t be specific, that’s fine.” You don’t need to have a whole plan in place, says Soderberg. You just need a firm idea in your mind of what you want – and a solid idea of when you want it by.

2. Schedule 30 Minutes For Your Goal – Every Day

Set aside a half hour every day to do something to get closer to your dream. Every day you build on the progress you made the day before. “You don’t expect to do the whole thing in a day or in a week – but a little bit every day, that really is the key to being successful.”

3. Make Goal Setting A Lifestyle

“The key here,” says Soderberg, “Is to make sure it’s at the same time every day.” If your ‘goal time’ becomes part of your daily routine – you’ll be less likely to blow it off. Your scheduled goal time with yourself is as important as any commitment you’d make to someone else. You wouldn’t dream of blowing off a half hour meeting with your boss – make 30 minutes with yourself just as much of a priority.

4. Divide Your Goal Into Bite Sized Pieces And Tackle Them One At A Time

You can’t expect to reach your goal without accomplishing the smaller steps building up to that success. “If your working on a big dream, break it down into little bite sized dreams along the way.”

5. Congratulate Yourself For Each Step You Complete

Half of keeping motivated is remembering what you are working toward – the other half is acknowledging yourself for the work you’ve already done. Soderberg insists you pat yourself on the back at least once a month. “If that means buying yourself a flat screen or just nodding to yourself in the mirror, that’s up to you.”

6. Finish Up One Goal And Get Ready To Tackle A New One

At some point you’ll accomplish whatever goal you’ve set out to achieve. So why stop now? If you stop dreaming of new goals – your life will get boring again. Build on the goal you’ve achieved, or write down a whole new adventure.

Investing 30 minutes a day in your future can change your life. A few months from now you could be thinner. Maybe you could have a retirement plan in place. Maybe your life story could be written. It all comes down to deciding what you want out of life – and taking the action to make it happen. “Once you have the dedication, and the half hour – the only question is: what do you want to achieve?”

Article Source:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

3 Bloggers Share their Blog Tips from Blog World Expo

Great Tips from Pro Bloggers for creating great content.

Speak your mind, grow up your business

Effective communication is absolutely essential for business growth. When you speak your mind, you should pay special attention to your body language, diplomacy, style, pitch, vocabulary and tone modulations. You have to watch how you communicate with our customers and if you are not candid or give the impression you are not speaking your mind, then you may be deemed to be an ineffective communicator. Speaking your mind is required for managing business negotiations, handling existing and prospective customers. While speaking your mind, use tact and skill to impress your listeners. When you are frank and genuinely speak your mind, people will respond to you positively.

There are a few points you should bear in mind while speaking your mind to promote your business interests. If you speak in a high pitch, it may be misconstrued as you are nervous. Practice speaking in a subdued pitch. Your tone reveals your confidence level. People can easily judge by your tone if you are angry or diffident. Try to maintain a neutral tone without sounding too monotonous. You have to adapt your manner of speaking to suit to suit varying situations. Talking too rapidly is again a sign of nervousness. Talking too slowly can be tedious for the hearers. So keep speak at a normal pace.

Being a spirited speaker does not mean that you make a fool of yourself while communicating. It means being livelier or upbeat while talking so that customers and fellow businessmen are eager to listen to every word you utter. As far as possible, use common words that are easily understood and that are easy to hear. If you cannot pronounce a word or are unsure of its meaning, avoid using it all together.

Create your unique positioning in the marketplace by the way you speak your mind. You should effectively craft your business message and articulate your uniqueness using your gift of expression. You should project an image that is in consonance with your message. The old adage, you never have a second chance to make a first impression rings true when talking your mind to targeted prospects. A proven marketing tool for finding new customers and helping your business grow is by speaking your mind as a speaker. Many local business organizations are all the time looking for keynote speakers. When searching for opportunities to speak your mind, do not confine only to trade shows and conferences. Regardless of venue, make sure you have an excellent speech with a convincing message. You will achieve success as a speaker and know the way to grow your business.

Most business people are not born speakers with a natural gift, but they have learned to speak their mind through persistent effort and by a trial and error process. Speaking what is in your mind is necessary and must be done in order to sustain and grow your business. Growing Your Business need not be a painful process all the time. Once you establish yourself as a competent speaker your popularity will begin to soar and that will result in your business growth.

Although most of us have had an impressive education with an expansive curriculum, we were you taught anything about effective communication and business growth. Once you develop communication skills and learn to speak your mind, your business will grow much faster than you expect.

Article Source:

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Blogs: Do you want to make money with blogging? Pt. 1

Blogging, some people do it for fun others for money. But did you know you can do it for both? I use my blogs to generate significant money using various methods, its not making me rich yet but I do have extra to pay for what I want anytime I want it. The great thing about blogs is you DO NOT have to pay for advertising and can make serious money buy using free methods.

Here are some methods to use on you blog to generate income:

Google Adsense: You can easily place adsense on your blog just buy adding simple code. You've seen adsense ads all over the place im sure its time to make money from them! I would recommend you experiment with your colors, sizes and types of ads to produce the best results and get people clicking! Each click on any adsense on your ads makes you money!

Blog Carnival: I use this to increase my traffic for free. It may take some time to learn how this program works but once you get used to it you will see a huge increase in your traffic.

Problogger: Darren Rowse has made a living off just making blogs. This website will give you so much information your head will explode. All about making money with your blog!

I'll leave you with that for now I will continue with Part 2. at a later date!

How To Overcome Writer's Block

Everyone has suffered from writer's block at one time or another. It is not uncommon to hear college students sharing stories of how frustrated they felt trying to get through the last writing assignment. Surely, you can picture that timeless image of a journalist with pencil in mouth tearing her hair out in front of her typewriter because the words are just not coming as easiliy as she would like. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get those creative juices flowing again.

Typically, writer's block is most common at the beginning of a writing project. It helps a great deal if you have an outline of what you plan to write. Start with an overall concept then take it in steps from introduction to conclusion. Work backwards if needed. Consider your work environment; do you like background noise or do you prfer silence. Would you be more confortable writing at a library or in front of the television? Is their a difference if you write with a pen versus a pencil? Perhaps writing is easier at a computer screen. Experiment with different settings and you'll see for yourself what helps to boost your productivity.

After you have started, you should find the words and concepts just keep flowing. However, if getting started is the hardest part, try "free writing". Simply write whatever comes to mind. Write about the room you are in, what you had for breakfast, or the color of your socks. It doesn't matter what you write about. Once you start writing about something, you will find that you will be able to keep writing. The words will just start to flow out of your brain and onto your paper.

If you find yourself getting stuck in the middle of a project, print out what you have written. Take the paper to another room and proofread it. Holding the paper in your hands versus reading from a computer screen should stir different senses. Going to a different room to read will also engage your senses and may be enough to fire up some ideas and end your writer's block.

Sometimes, you just need to clear your head and take a break. Go for a walk around the block, throw a load of laundry into the washer or some other small task. You might find a bright idea comes to you the second you start focusing on something else. After a few minutes, you will be able to come back refreshed and ready to write.

It is important that you don't give up. Writer's block is a temporary condition. Stay focused and you will get through it.

Article Source:

Thoughts are a powerful stimulant

by: Al Sowerby

Thirty million people, including 500 Self-made millionaires, have used
These closely guarded secrets to achieve complete financial success in their life.

The question is are you willing to learn from them too, or will you continue to make excuses why only the LUCY become rich?

Finally for the first time ever, the number one success book of all time is updated, analysed and explained in this brand new and ground breaking online video seminar you can attend in the comfort of your own home 24/7 365 days a year…

Amazing new technology supercharges and transforms the legendary book “ Think and grow rich “ into a fast and easy, step-by-
step, success system that walks, talks and races you up the 13 steps to riches while you achieve and celebrate the life of your dreams...

If you are the kind of person who wants to read on in order to make an educated decision as to wither or not I am speaking the truth, then you are exactly the kind of person I know I can help. You are someone who wants to get on and not daydream. For that I applaud you.

For what you are about to learn is one of life’s most exciting secrets. I kid you not. Even though you are reading on I bet right now you are as sceptical as hell. You may think you have stumbled upon a mad man. Just give me ten minutes of your time; you will never be the same again.

Once you see what I have to give you it will be impossible for you to not know how to make tons of money, get promoted at work, pay off the mortgage or get that dream car, like my Mercedes 280 sports convertible. Starting with nothing you can achieve all your dreams and hopes.

If you are not interested in achieving all your financial and personal dreams within a year, yes a year, you should not read any further.

This is pretty confidential stuff; I only want a certain type of person reading this. There is nothing illegal about this or unethical. This is considered to be the most powerful wealth building information ever put down in print. That’s not me saying that – countless millionaires from Richard Branson to Anthony Robbins report this book as being the catalyst for their success.

Because of this it’s been handed down from generation to generation and generally considered only for, well, the elite. That’s why I thought this should be brought to the attention of those brave enough to dream big. People like you.
Probably the biggest red herring in history. While the population works their asses off for peanuts, the secret elite plays a different game with different rules.

Are you feeling a little cheated and disillusioned with your life? You should be, because whilst 99.9% of the population follow the herd and lead lives their taught they should do, ie go to school, get a job and work hard, die broke – the elite play a whole different game. They don’t work hard, yet they earn more money in a month than most do in a lifetime.