Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Blogs: Do you want to make money with blogging? Pt. 1

Blogging, some people do it for fun others for money. But did you know you can do it for both? I use my blogs to generate significant money using various methods, its not making me rich yet but I do have extra to pay for what I want anytime I want it. The great thing about blogs is you DO NOT have to pay for advertising and can make serious money buy using free methods.

Here are some methods to use on you blog to generate income:

Google Adsense: You can easily place adsense on your blog just buy adding simple code. You've seen adsense ads all over the place im sure its time to make money from them! I would recommend you experiment with your colors, sizes and types of ads to produce the best results and get people clicking! Each click on any adsense on your ads makes you money!

Blog Carnival: I use this to increase my traffic for free. It may take some time to learn how this program works but once you get used to it you will see a huge increase in your traffic.

Problogger: Darren Rowse has made a living off just making blogs. This website will give you so much information your head will explode. All about making money with your blog!

I'll leave you with that for now I will continue with Part 2. at a later date!

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